The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Profile: (Republican) Virgil Bierschwale, U.S. Senate

Below are the unedited responses from Virgil Bierschwale to the Amarillo Pioneer’s candidate questionnaire for 2020. Bierschwale is a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate.

Please note: Questions from the Pioneer are in italics and the candidate’s responses are in standard type.

What is your occupation?

Unemployed STEM Worker

What is your age?


What is your educational background? Please list any degrees earned, and institutions attended. You may also list any professional certifications.

Approximately 2 years of college and many real estate examinations

If you have a website, Facebook, Twitter, or any other online campaign materials, please list the links below.

Why did you decide to run for office in 2020?

What are your top three priorities, if elected?

end free trade agreements, end tidal wave of non-immigrant guest workers, jobs

Do you plan to host town hall meetings in Texas during your first term in office? Why or why not?

yes - most are not aware of what is happening in the employment/unemployment situation and why the homeless situation grows worse

Reader submitted question: Would you support new federal campaign finance reform legislation? Please explain.

yes, it is time to remove money from politics.

Do you support term limits? Please explain.

yes, while it will hurt the good ones, it will force out those who are bad.

Do you believe new gun control regulations are needed? Please explain.

no, I believe we need to implement a mandatory 2 year draft so that all of our citizens can learn the basics of gun safety.

As a prospective Senator, what are your thoughts on the articles of impeachment brought against President Trump?

At this point I believe there is no evidence.

Reader submitted question: What should the U.S. Congress do to reduce the national debt? Please explain.

it is time to tax those who are making the decisions to send our jobs offshore and import non-immigrant guest workers which is forcing our workers out of work and increasing our national debt in order to humanely do the right thing to take care of those workers.

Please explain what reforms Congress should enact, if any, regarding the healthcare system.

remove the profit from the healthcare system.

Do you support the proposal to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border? Please explain.

yes, strong fences make for good neighbors.

How will you work to ensure constituents can actively communicate with you about the issues, if elected?

my email address is and I personally monitor it.

Are you supported by any political action committees? If so, please list your PAC endorsements.

none seem interested in employment/unemployment/homelessness which makes me wonder why that is?

Why are you the best candidate for voters to support for the U.S. Senate?

None of those running for office, or in office even comprehend what is happening in this video

Profile: (Republican) Mark Yancey, U.S. Senate

Profile: (Libertarian) Kerry McKennon, U.S. Senate